Saturday, October 30, 2010

Memoir of Skill

Back in 2007, this would have been considered a pro video. Looking at this now, it seems so amateurish :p

Where the confusion arises is when people used to call this a pro video for a reason. This level of skill was (and horribly enough, is) still way ahead of most others. When a new video is released, much like this one released 1 hour ago;

People do not tend to care. Over the years, from 2007 to 2010, people have become...dull. Stale. We no longer care about what it is that we love doing, drifting. We care more about how to look while you are drifting. But what are the looks, without the foundation to back it? We are building on a swamp, and eventually it will plumit--fall.

Editing: 0/10
Music: 5/10
Car mods: 5/10
Overall: 3.5/10

What is missing in that? A Drift rating! --Maybe somebody out there is listening--


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