Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan's 8.9 Earthquake

I first heard that an earthquake / tsunami had hit Japan at about 1 AM last night (GMT -7), but by the sounds of the people who had video's up in the first 5 minutes, it wasn't going to be that bad.

Well, this morning my brother awoke me to give me some details about what's going on and I must say, holy shit.

The tsunami has spread quite far inland, which has almost completely annihilated the towns / cities surrounding the ocean. Internet and mobile phone service is down in many parts of the country, so we may not hear from our Japanese players for a while. A whirlpool formed off the coast due to a massive crack in the earths crust. A reported 14 industrial factories (oil, gas) are receiving major damage and have...well, exploded. A nuclear power plant is in danger of blowing, if so, it would be 6x the effect of the Chernobyl incident.

Some crazy shit, so we hope everyone is all right!


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