Monday, April 23, 2012

Music & Automotives

Hey, I've been debating on removing the current navigation bar ^ and the quick links that are on it, to replace them with much more generalized ones. 2 new ones that I'm thinking of including would be Music & Entertainment, and Automotives.

 Music & Entertainment: -One of my most time consuming pastimes is browsing the web and Youtube for rare, underrated, or simply awesome music. Whether it be Hard, Oldschool, Newschool Rap & Hiphop, Light rock or Punk rock even Pop, the genre doesn't really matter; what matters is that it's easy to please the ears, or does major lyrical justice. I have quite a large music collection and an expanding list on the web, so I may be more inclined to locating it all hear and creating a sort of..small-time music headquarters for those that share similar taste.

 Automotives: -This is something that I will soon find myself getting back into. Being an addict to all things drifting, and a constant observer of Rally, naturally the point will come when I start wasting my money on figuring all this stuff out in the field; However, my biggest twist to this is that aside from the bright future and high paying jobs that are promised to accompany several years in school, I have no intention to go. Any and all things Automotive are much like anything else I've really got into, I prefer to mingle around and figure as much as I can out on my own. So in months to come when I'm settled down and have started bringing income again, I will probably be tearing my car apart and getting it back in running order. Anything useful that I would learn from experience or online would be shared here, for anyone else following a similar path to make use of.

 Basically posting all of this crap on here would make a good Journal / Notebook which everyone could see, debate, comment on etc, and changing the Navbar would of course separate the goods from the crap. 

Thoughts? Ponder them while listening to this Ambient HipHop beat,


SEO said...

Great that you will post about aumotives too.

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