Saturday, April 28, 2012

Using Handling Lines in SA-MP 0.3d (Revised)

You know those days when you feel like a complete dumbass? This is definitely one of those days.

Before making my previous tutorial with the same post title, I had struggled with the 'Click-Freeze' bug which almost everyone else has encountered as well. In the tutorial I included some things I thought might fix it...but I overlooked one big important detail, and pretty much ruined the entire post.

When trying to fix the bug myself, I reinstalled SAMP and Sobeit several times trying to figure out, including different versions of both programs; however when I actually did fix it, I had been screwing around so much that I completely forgot what I did to fix it.  Anyway the gist of this entire post is that the solution comes with the different versions of SA-MP..

So here it is, the revised and guarenteed-to-work tutorial!:

Step 1:
Download and install the latest version of the Mod_Sobeit cheat client. All new and updated versions of the mod can be found at this web address:

Step 2:
Download and install the R1 version of the SA-MP 0.3d client.  You can download this specific version here:
or in the Download section of this blog.

Step 3:
Open your GTA San Andreas directory and open the 'mod_sa.ini' file. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the Windows start button (Win7 = Blue circle on task bar), and clicking 'Open Windows Explorer'. From there, find the folder you installed GTA Into. By default, this will be:
C:\Program Files (xxx)\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas.

Step 4:
Once you've opened the mod_sa.ini file, click 'Edit' on the top taskbar, and click the 'Find' function.  In the find box, copy and paste the following:
patch[] = "Custom handling.cfg (data/handling.two)"

Look for the two 0's found on the right side of that line:
&0 0

Simply change the second 0 to a 1:
&0 1

Before you save the file, use the 'Find' function again and search for the following line:
i_have_edited_the_ini_file =

Make sure that after the = sign, is the word True.
i_have_edited_the_ini_file = true 

Now save and close the file.

Step 5:
Open your data file in the GTA Directory (\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\Data), and find the 'HANDLING.TWO' file. Open this file with notepad, as you would the regular Handling.cfg file, and add all of your custom handling lines to the .two file instead.  When your done, save the file and go enjoy SA-MP with your crazy custom lines!


Rayyan777 said...

Man, can you please help me? The click-freeze bug is still here on 0.3e

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