Monday, April 4, 2011

Player vs Player! - Update

This is a secondary post to the Player vs Player segment below

After talking with Jonhalda in the server, this is how the story goes:

Jonhalda originally sent a car mod to Kassik, whom agreed to not send it to anyone else. Kassik then ignored what Jon had said, and sent it out to all of his friends who then used it in video's. Pissed as anyone would be, Jonhalda then released a few of Kassiks private mods in revenge for what he had done.

Jonhalda has admitted to acting foolish in asking for praise for his actions and apologizes. Any other action, aside from releasing the mods in revenge, was not completely intended.


This is just one side of the story, remember that! But I think this generally sums up the whole conflict. That's the end of it unless we see another reply from Kas :p


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