Tuesday, April 12, 2011

""Still Can't Figure It Out""

Vert brought up the best point he's ever brought up

We were more grown up back in Grade 5 than we are now.
Tired of people telling me to "Act my age" or "Grow up".
When we were kids, we could talk to anyone about anything.
We didn't rely on phones or MP3 players to get someone to chill with.
The first discussion we had with a friend, was something OTHER than partying / being wasted / doing drugs.
In general, life is just an act.
We never learn to be ourselves, at any point in our life.
We are always consistently being told how to be somebody else.
We spend 12 years or more trying to become someone else, We are constantly being told what's expected of us.
Yet when we were just kids, we were nothing but ourselves.
I'm now getting ranted at to "Grow up", by people who don't even say Hello to someone on the sidewalk; or walk right by somebody who's having an emotional breakdown; or a crime in progress.
What the fuck is the point of growing up, if in all actuality, it is the complete opposite.
We just begin to limit ourselves as we grow older, trying to "Fit the norm" and fit in with society.
And then we ignore even talking about it because the subject isn't full of peaches, and happy. We just ignore the negative and convince ourselves that the bullshit is a gold mine.

Bluntly, fuck it.


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