Thursday, March 29, 2012

Banned on [DGZ], Again.

I know alot of you are already very familiar with the [DGZ] clan and server; most of the feed coming back very negative.

I have my own history with the server:

Some time in either 2007 or 2008 I was browsing the SA-MP Server Advertisements, where I found the original one for DGZ. I joined it, Killa[DGZ] was the only other player online. We drifted for a while, had a talk about handlings which we both respectively agreed would be completely disallowed on his server due to his preferences.

I went back to [DGZ] around a year later, which is where I was first banned for 'Speedhacking', after beating several of the clans drivers in races on an enlarged bigear map. After their ban list was reset, or my account unbanned, I was able to get on for the second time, which is where I was temporarily banned for debating the Pro's and Con's of handling lines; this was my own fault and the ban was fair. I was furthermore kicked or banned a few more times due to the same old Speedhacking reason.

Normally I would not care about an server overruled by administrator abuse, however the only reason it really bothers me is because two both very good, and very friendly drifters whom are both former SDU players have strong ties with the clan, enough to defend it despite the amount of people they heard having similar stories. These two drifters also share my utmost respect in the community for simply always bringing a good game wherever they go.

One of them actually did something I would never have expected, and created an appeal for my name to be respected for my history on SA-MP and old-timers skill while playing on the [DGZ] server.

Obviously I was banned again, failing to yield the reason for this post. This time I can only assume the reason was really 'Disobeying an Administrator', as I refused to enter his / her personal vehicle and drift for them.

Seems like a pretty weak reason right? Well I found it a bit strange that I would be asked twice, under extremely awkward circumstances to drift in a [DGZ] members personal car, something that I can't see them doing very often. The first occasion was with the leader, Killa[DGZ], who offered me the opportunity to drift in his car after spontaneously turning around the insults and replacing them with some rather gratifying flattery. The second occasion was directly before I was banned, when Frog[DGZ] was doing his best to force me into his elegy, for the reason that "if u have uffin too hide ull drive it". He had previously accused me of speedhacking or using handling lines. I did mention that driving another elegy will not prove anything, and that I would gladly accept to driving any of the available elegies parked at the top of Bigear; however he stuck with his desire for me to drive his car and proceeded with the ban.

In the hopes that Killa[DGZ]'s respect was genuine, I would be thankful to be unbanned. Though under the means that I should not be expected to be forced into another players car, as per personal preference.

EDIT: A copy-paste from the recorded chatlog:

[23:50:44] Frog[DGZ]: excel
[23:50:55] Frog[DGZ]: u have lines buddy
[23:50:58] Frog[DGZ]: idc wat u say
[23:51:06] [SDU]Excel: believe what you want.
[23:51:11] Frog[DGZ]: ur whole calan uses lines so why wudnt you?
[23:51:15] Frog[DGZ]: clan**
[23:51:19] Frog[DGZ]: pack of fakes
[23:51:24] [SDU]Excel: really? interesting
[23:51:31] Frog[DGZ]: yeah really
[23:51:37] [SDU]Excel: as far as I've known, being the leader of SDU, it's never had another member.
[23:51:55] [SDU]Excel: furthermore it is not a clan, rather an old community.
[23:52:03] Frog[DGZ]: ok then..
[23:52:10] Frog[DGZ]: get in my car an do wat ur doin now
[23:52:43] [SDU]Excel: and what will this prove?
[23:52:43] Frog[DGZ]: get back in ur car for a sec
[23:52:49] [SDU]Excel: They are still elegies.

[23:53:10] .: Reminder... CHEAT=BAN!, If you do CHEAT you will get caught and you will be banned! :.

[23:53:12] Frog[DGZ]: ffs get back in ur car\
[23:53:33] Frog[DGZ]: drive
[23:53:36] Frog[DGZ]: lets go
[23:54:42] Frog[DGZ]: stop getiin out u cockhead
[23:54:47] Frog[DGZ]: ffs get back in ur car\
[23:54:47] [SDU]Excel: I would rather not drive your car
[23:54:58] Frog[DGZ]: cos ur hacking..
[23:55:09] Frog[DGZ]: drive it
[23:55:11] [SDU]Excel: and tell me, how would driving your car prove absolutely anything?
[23:55:12] Frog[DGZ]: or be banned
[23:55:25] Frog[DGZ]: drive it then if it wont prove anything
[23:55:37] [SDU]Excel: There are probably over a hundred elegies on this server.
[23:55:48] [SDU]Excel: I would gladely take one from the top of bigear
[23:55:50] Frog[DGZ]: i want you too drive this one
[23:56:05] [SDU]Excel: I would rather not.
[23:56:07] Frog[DGZ]: if u have uffin too hide ull drive it
[23:56:18] Frog[DGZ]: i want u too drive this one with the bodykit
[23:56:32] [SDU]Excel: and I would like to drive my own.

[23:56:35] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.

[23:56:38] Frog[DGZ]: no
[23:56:41] Frog[DGZ]: u will drive this

[23:56:49] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.

[23:56:52] Frog[DGZ]: or u will be banned for hacking..
[23:56:53] [SDU]Excel: or any random one from the top of bigear.

[23:56:53] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.

[23:56:56] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.

[23:57:00] Frog[DGZ]: drive

[23:57:02] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.

[23:57:02] [SDU]Excel: The vehicle is reserved.

[23:57:23] .: [SDU]Excel was banned by [Admin] Frog[DGZ], reason: cheater/handling lines :.

[23:57:23] Server closed the connection.

Pretty 'uffkin' pathetic.


Yohsuke (陽介) said...

technically whats so funny is how Frog[DGZ] just flamed and admin abused to ban you. That player has no rights to be an admin.

Coles[DGZ] said...

As Respect we did not just ban you out of random we took time doing research on the clan and as yous allow handling lines, an also you would out run our fastest member is out of the question you have some sort of hacks or something otherwise you would not of made a big deal over just simply driving Killa[DGZ]'s car

Excelo24 said...

I respect the research, however [SDU] is simply the tag I wear in representation of an entire community, and not a clan. [SDU] has been hosting a server for quite some time, and has obviously had a numerous amount of videos or write-ups bearing it's name. Yes, [SDU] has had no issues whatsoever on whether or not its players use any modifications, including handling lines which is why I do understand your suspicions. On contrary to why you say I was banned, there was no conflict with Killa, and all conflict-related dialog is featured in the post, where I clearly state that I would gladly drive any elegy other than that of Frog[DGZ]'s, on the server. That reason simply does not make any valid point, as it is impossible for one vehicle of the same type to behave any differently than the other on GTA, or SAMP; in this case, 1 elegy vs another elegy. Again yes, I did outrun your fastest member using the same vehicle; however a feat such as this is no sound reason for banishment and really implies nothing but a lack of poor sportsmanship or ignorance in the face of defeat. As me and Killa discussed, my duration of play on GTA far extends that of most players, and with a history of being apart of several past drift servers and racing communities it should be to no surprise that I would atleast be able to compete with great drivers. Frog[DGZ] showed some very respectable driving skill, but it's hard to say the same about attitude. Again, the reason for banishment, and the ignorance that was it's predeceaser is clearly shown in the post.

Excelo24 said...

lack of good sportsmanship*

Coles[DGZ] said...

Only Reason you we're banned was the reason your Car runs faster then everyone and i mean everyone and its something to do with Increased top Speed/Acceleration of the elegy either that or you have Increased the Amount of Grip/Weight in the Stock Elegy wheel it's self, there for the reason you refused to Drive Frog/Killa's car and you made a big deal out of simply driving a car if you had nothing to hide

Excelo24 said...

Well if that's the only reason, then I've already explained my argument to it twice. In my first reply, and in the initial post itself.

Also please note that in the last 30 seconds prior to the ban I was not able to enter Frog's vehicle because of a 'restriction' on the server, even though I was indeed trying to do so, and explained why I couldn't.

Any other accusations against to my driving can only be based on ignorance, were I suggest playing elsewhere from the [DGZ] server to be able to see the level of talent still lingering in some of the drivers on this game.

Coles[DGZ] said...

Mate we can set you the driver which frog would of done it removes the restriction when entering a vehicle so your got nothing mate

Excelo24 said...

Frog tried teleporting me into his vehicle several times, each time I was immediately tossed out of the vehicle due to the restriction. The same thing also happened when I tried entering normally. Please note him commanding me to drive after he teleports me in a few cases:

[23:53:28] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.
[23:53:33] Frog[DGZ]: drive
[23:53:36] Frog[DGZ]: lets go

[23:56:35] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.
[23:56:38] Frog[DGZ]: no
[23:56:41] Frog[DGZ]: u will drive this

[23:56:53] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.
[23:56:56] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.
[23:57:00] Frog[DGZ]: drive
[23:57:02] .: This Vehicle Is Reserved For Frog[DGZ] :.
[23:57:02] [SDU]Excel: The vehicle is reserved.

His teleporting into the driver seat did not work. If there is still something I'm missing, then maybe it would've been alot easier to figure out had he just explained it instead of swearing and throwing commands at me; otherwise I had no way of knowing what to do.

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