Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog Revival + SDU


A lot of people have been asking me to post tutorials and how-to's on several Zmodeler or modification related topics, aswell as general progression or screenshots on my modeling works that I do in the meantime; I do not object to this, and will gladly do so.

So in light of what will hopefully be some revitalized blog activity and interest, it'll first undertake a makeover to start things fresh. Most likely I will end up just using one blog from now on, so no more separate Bullshitting / Modding blogs; I'll just add categories and quicklinks for posts like those.

The shoutcast shoutboxes have been disabled due to abuse of the free system, so I'll have to find another make or possibly try and make my own with html (far hopes); but I've been getting more involved with other areas of computer work as of late. Within the last week I've gone from having no graphic knowledge other than MS Paint, to grounding some skills, tricks and techniques in which shares many of its features with Photoshop. Learning some basic HTML for all this web crap..

Currently working on 3 large scale modeling projects which will all be publically released when completed. One of which should be on fairly soon. The other.. *spoiler*..will be an alternative solution to the infamous elegay, and a good one.

So thats all for now, start making regular checkups again and make sure to hit up [SDU] when your bored! New IP:


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