Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Modeling Projects

A few of you have been interested in seeing what I've been up to in terms of 3d Modeling, so here's 2 pics of 2 of my current projects:

I hope you can all figure out what this one is..

It's the famous AE86. I am making my own model of the vehicle, starting with all of the original, non-aftermarket bits and pieces, to later release the vehicle with a small twist which I think everyone will be able to enjoy :p


This is a large scale yacht modification. I had made a yacht mod a few years ago (my first boat mod), but it turned out rather badly and had many many bugs. This time around I've fixed any and all issues, added a few extra's and polished it up.

This mod should be released very soon as soon as I coax up custom handling settings for it.

Also on the go, but going very slowely...is a joint-project with a member of SA-MP forums going by the name of 'Slayer101', who recently converted Vans123's GTAIV Map conversion for SA into Pawno code for SAMP, recruited me for a large-scale landmass project which has the primary focus of creating large and realistic roadway systems, and country terrain. However..there have been a few conflicts of interest on the direction of the project. I've created a few areas of land, but nothing well enough to yet be presented. This, and the Yacht mod (hopefully the AE86 too) have been my first projects incorporating only my own created textures; so that is taking up lots of time aswell, and slowing production.

That's all for now,


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